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Gail Kendall


Lavender Fields of Provence | Body Soup For The Soul
Lavender Fields of Provence

I have just returned from yet another visit to the exquisite lavender fields of Provence, France, the friendliness and beauty of Ireland and my beloved Paris. 

I joined 19 other aromatherapists and enthusiasts for a retreat where we expanded our education and knowledge of the benefits of essential oils.

We were taught by the best.  Robbi Zeck, ND, Megan Larsen, Aromatherapist, Ayurveda specialist and Esthetician and Bo Hendgen, D.O N.D. 

These incredibly knowledgeable and passionate practitioners had us captivated for hours each day in class learning about the health, wellness and beauty benefits of using essential oils. 

We took copious notes, absorbed info like a sponge and created test cases and products that left the room and whole building swimming in fragrance.

Time was allotted for the most amazing visits to lavender and clary sage fields, rose gardens and distilleries. 

I have purchased some amazing oils from the farms that have found their way back home to be added to my blends and creations.

On to Ireland and while this portion of the trip was not meant to be exclusively about aromatherapy, I found myself one afternoon, sitting in the Ha'penny Inn pub in Temple Bar having the most engaging conversation with a couple of Ireland's proudest working class.  We talked religion, politics, geography and strangely enough, aromatherapy. I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed a lively discussion about the benefits and uses of aromatherapy.  How refreshing to have a discussion with non practitioners about their experiences with essential oils.

My trip to Europe would not be complete without a visit to my beloved Paris.  I so enjoyed using my newly created products each morning and evening to combat the heat of the summer and treat my skin appropriately. 

I had a new found evening ritual where I would use one of my oil blends to tap into my heart chakra, then, as part of my cleansing routine, I would make a compress out of a couple of carefully selected essential oils and apply to my face and then finally use my newly created massage oil to aid in a restful sleep.

One evening I ventured out for a walk in the Marais.  I was happily surprised to have stumbled upon a wonderful little shop called Huygen.  This little shop proved to be exactly what I aspire to do.  They carry base products and will then custom blend to your particular issue or desire.  I chose a hair and body mist and had the aromatherapist add patchouli and ylang ylang to the base for a wonderful earthy and grounding fragrance. 

As I walked another block, I discovered a holistic shop that specialized in essential oils.  I had a wonderful conversation about aromatherapy with the owner and purchased a few more oils to add to my collection.

I return home with my head swimming with creativity and inspiration that I hope to produce and impart in my aromatherapy business.  


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