It is February 29th. Leap year. And it is cold and snowy. We have had an incredibly inconsistent winter thus far. Dry days, rainy, wet days, snow days, cold, mild and in between days and it’s not over yet.
I have chosen to revisit my attempts at candle making. I have gone from the lusciousness of beeswax, to vegetable wax and am now venturing into soy wax. It can be simple and complicated at the same time. Measuring the perfect amount of wax, figuring out the weight and compatibility of chosen essential oils, heating temps, pouring temps, wick testing and curing times can make for either a successful pour or a disaster. Since I choose to use essential oils over the primarily synthetic fragrance oils, my hot throw (the fragrance reached when candle is lit), is less. I have to admit, I much prefer that. I don’t want my house fragrance to assault the senses, preferring more the subtle aroma as I sit beside the lit candle or pass by it.
My evening ritual in the winter is a lovely soak in my claw foot tub surrounded by bubbles, soft music and candlelight. I lay there enveloped in the subtle fragrance of my chosen candle as it helps soothe away the stresses of the day just as the added epsom salts soothe away my muscle aches.
For my own use, I prefer more warm, grounding fragrances such as patchouli, vanilla, sandlewood, sage, but I will often pair with a romantic floral such as ylang ylang, lavender, rose and I always love the spicy blends of cinnamon, cardamom, orange and mint.
I’ve added in an additional touch to some candles in the form of intentions. I will chose specific gemstones and herbs or florals to add to the candle to induce feelings of peace, love, calm, happiness, joy, and relaxation to name a few. I recommend, setting an intention toward yourself, for someone else or just in general before lighting and then sit in mediation or simply relaxed and allow the fragrance and glow of the candle to help aid in those feelings.
In addition to candles, I have added wax sachets to my repertoire of products. These are soy wax bars in various shapes with fragrances and flowers to be either hung in your closet, your car, or a clothing drawer to offer a subtle and pleasing aroma to that space.
On these cold winter evenings, the glow and the subtle fragrance of a lovely candle in the home allows the mind and body to calm and relax. In the spring, as we shed the winter bulk and turn to rejuvenation, I will offer more light and floral fragrances and in summer, of course a lovely eucalyptus and citronella blend to help combat those dreaded mosquitoes. Stay warm and get your glow on.